Welcome to Central Valley Dollars for Scholars®

Central Valley Dollars for Scholars is a non-profit scholarship organization dedicated to increasing scholarship opportunities for students in the Central Valley School District (Buxton, North Dakota) who are seeking all types of post-secondary education.  The role of the all-volunteer board of directors is to involve and assist the community in making a strong statement about the importance of education beyond high school.  This is primarily facilitated through fundraising efforts where every local dollar raised goes to support local students.  Since 2014, the Central Valley Dollars for Scholars chapter has awarded approximately $225,000 in scholarships to Central Valley students.

In 2022:

  • All 16 seniors who applied received scholarships
  • $34,480 was awarded to graduating seniors
  • The top award was $4,085
  • The average award was $2,155

Join Central Valley Dollars for Scholars

On average, most students receive four times the minimum $500 donation to become a Valiant 500 member of Central Valley Dollars for Scholars. This dollar amount per student will only continue to grow if we all work together. 



Please do your part and together, we can all add to the success of our scholarship program.

If your child already has received a scholarship, now is a good time to "pay it back." If you have a child graduating in the future, now is the time to "pay it forward." Together, we can all make a difference for our children. That simple $500 investment pays dividends for a lifetime for your child(ren) and many children to come.

If everyone gives a little, our students all gain a great deal.

To join Central Valley Dollars or Scholars at the 500 Valiant giving level, click Valiant 500 Membership Agreement to download a copy of the Membership Agreement.


Valiant 500                        $500                     

Valiant Grand                   $1,000                  

Valiant Scholar                 $2,500                  

Valiant Founder              $5,000                  

Valiant Heritage              $10,000               

Valiant Pioneer                $25,000               

Valiant Leader                  $50,000               

Valiant Legacy                 $100,000            

Click on Membership Agreement to download a copy of the Membership Agreement for all level of giving and Named Scholarships.  We look forward to hearing from you!

Donors can give donations to Central Valley Dollars for Scholars to be used as a named scholarship of their choice with preference guidelines for the type of student or field of study.  A donor may not choose a specific student for their donation.  

Class of 2023 CV DFS Application Period - November 1st through December 16th

North Dakota Dollars for Scholars Scholarships available to High School Seniors and Current College Students - deadline 4/1/23

North Dakota Dollars for Scholars (NDDFS) scholarship applications are opened in the late winter each year.  The application deadline for all NDDFS scholarships is April 1.  Additional scholarship details and the online application are available at www.northdakota.dollarsforscholars.org.  To apply, students must create or update a profile in the online student center.  This profile allows students to be matched to scholarships based on their personal information.  Students will also be able to use this profile to find future opportunities from their local chapter as well as NDDFS and the national organization.   

 North Dakota Dollars for Scholars accepts scholarship applications from North Dakota high school seniors and college students.  Scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $2,500 will be awarded to use for the 2021-2022 academic year.  Applicants must have graduated from a North Dakota high school or must have been home educated in North Dakota.  Students from a wide range of backgrounds are encouraged to apply.  Scholarship offerings cover a variety of categories including vocational/technical schools, military, community service and continuing college students.  Scholarships sponsored by professional associations are also available to college students in specific majors.   

There are over a million scholarships that you may potentially qualify for at the push of a button.

Start entering your student profile today by clicking on the

"Students & Parents Login" tab.



Contributions to Central Valley Dollars for Scholars

Goodwill and excitement are generated by a community that works to benefit its young people.  Our students feel confident knowing the community supports their goal in striving for higher education.  Your active support will contribute to the mission of the Central Valley Dollars for Scholars chapter in assisting Central Valley students achieve that higher education goal; a sound investment for the future.

Help make a difference in the Central Valley Dollars for Scholars community.  Your monetary donation will directly support Central Valley School students that are selected to receive a Central Valley Dollars for Scholars award.  Donations of any amount are accepted and greatly appreciated. 

You can mail your donations in the form of a check to the following address or simply click the Contributions link above:

Central Valley Dollars for Scholars

1556 Hwy 81 NE

Buxton, ND  58218

Volunteers Needed

We're always looking for volunteers!

Each member and volunteer within our organization brings with them their own uniqueness.  We are always looking for volunteers who are willing to donate their time and/or unique ability to help our students achieve their higher education goals.  If you are interested in volunteering or becoming a member please visit our Volunteer page or contact our chapter President for more information.